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Tuesday /Wednesday

The Future of Everything

This weeks goals

This weeks quizlet

Finish your switch assignment

Unity3D Gaming

Design 3d Terrain

Create your first game! We will be practicing Compound conditions and conditoinal branching

GUI Design, Event Handling, Data Types,Math, Exception Handling, Input, Casting and Message Box

Today we will design a Desktop form and write the code to manipulate the fuctionality of the programs.

Grid Layout Tutorial in CSS

Understanding Flexbox


This weeks goals

Unity Microgames!

Assignment #3 If, else if, ternary operator

Finish your Adobe CC project

Have an iPhone or iPad? Download the CODESWIFT app! (not for windows)

Let's get much better at Dreamweaver! Key Topics

CodeCombat CS3 and CS4

The best way to get better is to practice!

Be amazing!